Can conversational AI improve user experience?
5 ways Conversational AI can positively transform your user experience

Can conversational AI improve user experience? We show how an Alana AI agent can deliver high-quality, personalised experiences throughout the customer journey.

5 reasons why you should be talking about conversational AI
The business case for Conversational AI: 5 reasons why you should be talking about Conversational AI technology

With the rise of conversational applications, how long is it before your employees and customers expect conversational AI as standard?

Co-founder Verena Rieser named amongst UK’s 50 most influential women in tech.

We are incredibly proud to share that on 20th September, our co-Founder Verena Rieser was named amongst the 50 most inspirational women in technology in the UK by accelerateHER and InspiringFifty! accelerateHER exists to support the re-balancing of technology in favour of women to

People using conversational AI interfaces with Alana
Why Alana Conversational AI isn’t just another chatbot

User experience with chatbots has been a rocky journey to date. So, what exactly makes Alana Conversational AI different from your run-of-the-mill bot? We’ve all had experiences of chatbots struggling to hold their own in a conversation with a human.

Wooden scrabble tiles spelling ABC
What is Conversational AI? A glossary.

Whether you’re asking Alexa to turn up the volume on a favourite playlist or seeking your iPhone’s help with last-minute directions, AI technology makes our casual daily interactions with smart devices possible. But what is Conversational AI? Where does NLP

Microsoft’s Xiaoice
Inclusive Conversational AI: The Case of Female Voice Assistants

This post was first published by Amanda Curry and Alana co-Founder Verena Rieser on in June 2020. It is republished here by the kind permission of both authors. The idea of designing an artificial woman is a tale as old as time.

Will conversation AI ever require less data
Conversational AI – Could the future be about less data, not big data?

AI and big data are perfect companions, right? It’s indisputable that access to huge volumes of data allows AI assistants to deliver better, faster, more-accurate responses. But there are downsides too. For example, is this reliance on huge amounts of

A girl working with a book and technology at a kitchen table
The next generation of AI engineers: Tech and AI courses for half-term holidays

At Alana, we’re creating the next generation of Conversational AI. We do this by employing some of the best engineering minds in AI and robotics, so we’re keen to keep an eye on and support the next great generation of